Tuesday, March 31, 2009

have no fear

God has given us a promise of everlasting life (Psalms 37:29), yet many of us live as though each day is impossible. So many of us crumble under the simple things, we give simple things immeasurable power, the bills give us stress, relationships with workmates even family members can cause us grief. We allow our physical sickness to take control over our minds and stop us when we could elsewise make progress. That is for shame my friends I wrote this poem because I want you to know that you can do it. You got to believe that there is something bigger than your problems in this life. I'm not even talking about God yet there are many levels lower than God that are much bigger than your problems. I wrote this poem to help keep the problems in perspective enjoy.

Have No Fear

…….so having fear for a moment that I couldn’t control it
that I was losing myself and I’m off of my focus

now I’m back on my grind and I’m putting the work in
and if I was anticipating pain then I’m feeling the hurting

I mean it really is certain that the pain would be coming
But it’s not the one you are expecting so why even worry

You could negotiate a storm don’t be stopped by the flurries
This positive attitude is so hot that I’m calling it curry

Don’t push it or pull it if you expecting to fall
And if you walking on faith then keep walking tall

If this is your hour your minute your time
If you suppress the anxiety and you ready to shine

Then you can topple a giant and subdue king kong
And you can chase your dream without doing it wrong

And who is to say that by the words of this song
You wont be inspire to just carry on

I want you to be encouraged I want you to take up the fight
The shield is copper and missle is bright

The field is ready and the harvest is white
we can go in as workers working late in the night

we can pull up the weeds and and cut down the jeers
we are coming out of the clouds and into the clears

and when its all said and done and the witness is here
if the words are read aloud then the angels will hear

and then the stars will clap their hands and Gods sons will cheer
and those we thought were gone forever will soon reappear

an the the effects of malice will then disappear
and the truth of prophecy is perfectly clear

if you feel like your small and insignificant
you might have suppressed your gift again

that’s why the happiness is in giving it
because you hold it in so long then you can’t feel the benefit

now don’t suspect me of being degenerate
just because I can benifit from giving lifts

I don’t want to get ahead I just want to live to time indefinite
And you could do it too yes its evident

But you have to live your life like your eating the elephant
Make every spoonful count nothings irrelevant ……..

Monday, March 30, 2009

i feel so free

Throwing my words over there music I’m jamming
In fact I feel so free I could swim for days like a shark
I’m getting my shine on like the moon in the dark
Or the diamonds on the glamour girl after dark
I feel amazing in fact its silly almost crazy
Because I have attracted the kind of attention
That puts the spirit of my lyrics into a new dimension
On the the stairway to heaven let me make the ascension
And nothing I mean no powder no plastic no paper at all
Could make me fall
I’m dealing with it like the Monticeto
The power is in me that is my credo
And you won’t take nothing from me
that I’m not willing to give
So let me give you a reason to thank God for life
And a reason to hug your best friend when you see them
Cause you can’t believe you can see them
Life is so short so I hope you support yours
But it you don’t you can still sport mines
By reciting these lines it’s my gift to you
And before I’m done or I’m thru let me just say
If you get the moment sieze it
If you know yourself please it
And make your appeals to the you that your facing
Because when you look in the mirror it’s only you that you facing
Even if you seeing me and you believe in me
The reality is that we can be two roots on the same tree
Well grounded
I’m reaching for water and I found it
That’s the reason I write like I’m astounded
this is my art don’t clown it
the path for me even dumb I found it
so I was dumbfounded walking in a haze
now I’m relieved like after you shave
when you splash on aftershave and refreshed
like a long slow deep breath

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

practice videos

i am going to post the practice videos for the reading of my poem entitled HELP YOURSELF

right here and another practice video at http://www.coppper30.blogspot.com/

of course the final video is at http://www.copper30.wordpress.com/


Monday, March 23, 2009

this is from my book

the working title of the book is THE PRIZE

Chest Pain

I got this pain an pressure
no relief no sleep it's stabbing me on the left uhhh the left side of my chest

I just need some rest I have to do better than the rest I need to rise up better than the best this is my only escape from this madness
I got money I can't spend it I got thoughts that keep spinning I can’t get to the pen fast enough to pen them
Anxiety is a high for me where is my sobriety I’m taking in these thoughts like a drunk steady drinking
I’m shaking out these thoughts like the philosopher thinkingI’m going to free my peeps like Abraham Lincoln then I got to cure this cough before I end up in a coffin
I’m walking down the sidewalk just to myself talkingand I find myself speaking to myself so often that I’m beginning to wonder if I’ll ever have time to quiet my mind
and maybe in time find the peace of mind“that excels all thought”

the peace you work to find it I’m just gone have to step out on faith
I don't know how many times I need to be remindedI suppose every day I awake and repeat the mantra“1 tenth of all I earn is mine to keep”and a portion of my mind is dedicated to peaceand as I arrive at the conclusion it’s l2:30 I hope that I can find my sleep

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

the man of copper

the blog is evolving i had been blogging all this time at the wrong location so i'm going to work on getting my work over this way

the note for today i want you guys to check out http://billcosby.com/
now one of the conflicts you get into as a blogger is that even if you provide good information people are going to want to know what do you get out of it and why are you doing the blog

my reason for blogging is to raise money to get my book published

if you want to see samples of my work please check out www.copper30.wordpress.com

if you would like to donate send checks payable to David Knight 2130 Arbor Circle West apt 201, Ypsilanti MI 48197

look for more to come